** NEW DATE for Songwriters Round! Come listen and learn! **
Sunday, Feb 16th 3-5:30PM
Tues-Thur 12-6pm
Fri 10am-6pm
Sat 10am-4pm
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Godin Guitars
Without a doubt, the Godin product line offers some of the best values and features in a North American built guitar. Built in both Quebec and New Hampshire, Godin offers solid bodies, jazz guitars, basses and the unique Multiac line of acoustic-electrics. Godin has the guitar for any style of playing, often priced competitively relative to the imports. The Godin line just keeps expanding in every direction, offering their own unique vision on the art of guitar building. The Godin factory keeps a large inventory of product on hand, and if you don't see what you want, normally it's just a few days away.