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Cables Siren II 3' Speaker Cable
You have a lot invested in your gear, don’t leave your sound in the hands of zip cord or potentially unreliable molded connectors! The Evidence Audio Siren II speaker cable utilizes to proven materials and construction to deliver the best sound possible. No snake oil or bogus science, just good sound.
Made in USA for UpFront Guitars at an ISO registered facility, the Evidence Audio Siren is a premium high-end speaker cable for guitar and bass Amp-to-Cab connections. Utilizing two pairs of three oxygen-free conductors, the Siren Cable is the equivalent of a heavy 15-gauge speaker cable. The low strand count and premium dielectric materials minimize “skin effect” characteristic of stranded cables. The results are less distortion, greater depth, and improved dynamics. Assembled with Neutrik ¼” jacks, the Siren cable is a rugged, sonically superior connection for your rig. Note: These cables are directional, and the red boot on the connector indicated the direction of the signal flow.