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Cables - CBI Cables Prism Guitar Cables
Made in the USA by CBI, these Prism cables feature CBI 20-gage shielded cable. Terminated with Neutrik plated plugs and covered in a no-fray, overbraid cloth, these durable cables carry a lifetime warranty. Tested against our reference solid core cable (which costs over 4 times more) the Prism sounds very natural with only slightly less volume and high end extension. These are great sounding cables that are very tangle resistant, and built to take the rigors of the road.
We are an authorized CBI dealer and keep a good stock of product on hand at all times. Please feel free to browse our listings, or contact us for delivery time and availability on other CBI products.
Available in: 10', 15', and 20'; Red, Blue, and Platinum; and Straight-Straight or Straight-RightAngle connectors.
There are a whopping 41 styles of covering, so we picked a few favorites for you to try out. Best of all, these cables are extremely affordable and will outperform many of the overly-hyped cables at the big box stores.