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PorterTron AlNiCo FilterTron Style Humbucker Set Chrome
The PortTron AlNiCo Humbucker pickup set is Porter's Classic humbucker pickup set with "Tron" style cosmetics and individual magnet pole pieces. On it's own the Porter Classic set is a medium output Alnico 5 set wound to 7K and 8K ohms respectively. So what do you get when you go "Tron" and individual magnet?
For starters, pickup covers do have an effect on the magnetic field of the pickup, and this can also vary by material. To a degree they act as a shield, but also attenuate the high frequencies and provide a slightly softer attack. The open design of the Gretsch-style cover and even the "cut" in the center section lessens the impact of the cover and makes the pickup respond more like an open coil pickup. And they also look really cool.
Secondly, on a conventional humbucker pickup the magnetic field is created by a bar magnet underneath the coils. The pole pieces themselves are not magnets, and while they are not purely cosmetic, they don't have a dramatic impact on the overall shape of the magnetic field. With individual Alnico 5 magnets each string has its own focused magnetic field resulting in more note separation, attack and overall sense of clarity. If you want more chime and attack out of your humbucker pickup and dig the unique looks, the AlNiCo FilterTron set is just the ticket.
Note: These pickups fit standard humbucker mounting rings and will not fit a standard Gretsch FilterTron pickup opening.